account_boxScott Ira Lieberman

Scott Ira Lieberman Mugshot

Date:06/18/2022 00:50
Height: 5ft. 8in.
Weight: 150 lbs.
Charge(s): 1 Count Of 6-6-102(a)- Breach Of Peace [misdemeanor] Bail: $0

1 Count Of Po.9.12.020- Public Intoxication - Open Space [misdemeanor] Bail: $0

1 Count Of 7-13-411(b)- Probation/parole Violation [misdemeanor] Bail: $0

Other Arrests:
  SCOTT LIEBERMAN Arrest Mugshot Park 10/16/2024 02:52 SCOTT LIEBERMAN Arrest Mugshot Park 10/14/2024 23:43 SCOTT LIEBERMAN Arrest Mugshot Park 12/09/2021 SCOTT LIEBERMAN Arrest Mugshot Park 07/02/2021 10:46