account_boxPrecious Lavina Rae Big Eagle

Precious Lavina Rae Big Eagle Mugshot

Date:09/09/2021 10:07
Height: 5ft. 5in.
Weight: 116 lbs.
Charge(s): 1 Count Of 6-3-201(a)(b)(i)- Prop Destruction: Und $1000 [misdemeanor] Bail: $0

1 Count Of 6-5-204(a) (1)- Interfere W/ Peace Officer [misdemeanor] Bail: $0

Other Arrests:
  PRECIOUS BIG EAGLE Arrest Mugshot Goshen 12/21/2024 09:22 PRECIOUS BIG EAGLE Arrest Mugshot Goshen 05/24/2022 14:26 PRECIOUS BIG EAGLE Arrest Mugshot Goshen 04/14/2022 23:04 PRECIOUS BIG EAGLE Arrest Mugshot Goshen 03/31/2022 19:38