account_boxDouglas Lee West

Douglas Lee West Mugshot

Height: 510
Weight: 176
Charge(s): Possession Of A Dngr Weap By Restricted

Fail To Stop At Command Of Law Enforcement

Possession Of A Controlled Substance Schedule I/ii/analog

Poss W/ Intent To Dist C/substance

Bicycle Lamps And Reflectors Required

Other Arrests:
  DOUGLAS WEST Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 08/07/2024 DOUGLAS WEST Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 02/15/2024 DOUGLAS WEST Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 05/08/2022 DOUGLAS WEST Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 11/10/2018 DOUGLAS WEST Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 01/08/2018