account_boxAnthony Dewayne Dean

Anthony Dewayne Dean Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 28-APR-89
Charge(s): Schedule Ii Drugs: Cocaine, Counts: 2

First Degree Murder - Attempt

Possession Weapon - Convicted Felony Drug Offense

Possess Firearm Intent To Go Armed - Dangerous Felony

Schedule Ii Drugs: Cocaine - .5 Grams Or Greater

Meth - Mfg, Deliver, Sale, Poss With Intent

Other Arrests:
  Anthony Dean Arrest Mugshot Knox 28-Mar-24 Anthony Dean Arrest Mugshot Knox 01-Feb-24 Anthony Dean Arrest Mugshot Knox 17-Nov-23 Anthony Dean Arrest Mugshot Knox 11-JAN-22 Anthony Dean Arrest Mugshot Knox 29-SEP-16