account_boxCharissa Leeanne Macklin

Charissa Leeanne Macklin Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 06-JAN-95
Charge(s): Hold For Union County-failure To Appear On Driving On Suspended

Introduction Of Contraband Into Penal Institution

Amend To Vop/ Non Compliance With Kcpo/ And Failed To Appear In Court - Theft (value Of Property/ser

Failure To Appear - Driving While Privilege Suspended

Failure To Appear - Driving Under The Influence (first Offense)

Failure To Appear - Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia

Other Arrests:
  Charissa Macklin Arrest Mugshot Knox 09-DEC-16 Charissa Macklin Arrest Mugshot Knox 09-SEP-16 Charissa Macklin Arrest Mugshot Knox 10-MAY-16 Charissa Macklin Arrest Mugshot Knox 07-MAR-16