account_boxJames Matthew Robbins

James Matthew Robbins Mugshot

Height: 6ft03in
Weight: 250
Charge(s): Domestic Ab

Domestic Ab By Strangulation Afcf

Poss Cd W/out Prescription Afcf

Poss Cd 2nd Offense Afcf

Poss/del Cd W/intent To Distribute Afcf

Poss Mj W/intent Afcf

Interrupt/interfere W/emergency Call

Poss Drug Paraphernalia

Drive Left Of Center

Insurance/security Verification

Poss Stolen Vehicle Afcf

Poss Firearm Afcf

Other Arrests:
  James Robbins Arrest Mugshot Noble 2023-12-08 James Robbins Arrest Mugshot Tulsa 3/27/2020