account_boxKeontae Alizajuan Thomas

Keontae Alizajuan Thomas Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 03/26/1999
Height: 5ft06in
Weight: 160 Lbs
Charge(s): Improperly Handling Firearms In A Motor Vehicle

Driving Under Suspension (includes Points Suspension)

Failure To Stop For Signal Lights.

Seat Belt Required

No License

Improper Display Of Plates

Other Arrests:
  Keontae Thomas Arrest Mugshot Mahoning 04/24/2024 Keontae Thomas Arrest Mugshot Mahoning 02/16/2021 Keontae Thomas Arrest Mugshot Mahoning 05/21/2020 Keontae Thomas Arrest Mugshot Mahoning 04/22/2019