account_boxIvan Davis Goodall

Ivan Davis Goodall Mugshot

Charge(s): Ftc-methamphetamine - Deliver/possess W/ Intent(drug Patch Violation)

Ftc-drug Paraphernalia - Poss. For I,ii,iii Drugs Other Than Marijuana (drug Patch)

Fail To Appear (felony)-possession Of Methamphetamine With Intent To Deliver.

Fail To Appear (misdemeanor)-possession Of Drug Paraphernalia

Ftc-criminal Trespass, Knowingly Enter Dwelling, Or High Secure(drug Patch)

Ftc-drug Paraphernalia - Poss. For I,ii,iii Drugs Other Than Marijuana (drug Patch)

Ftc-drug Para - Poss. For I,ii,iii Drugs Other Than Marijuana 2nd Or > Off.(24/7 Violation)

Fail To Appear (felony)-drug Para - Poss. For I,ii,iii Drugs Other Than Marijuana 2nd Or > Off.

Ftc-methamphetamine - Possess(drug Patch)

Fail To Appear (felony)-methamphetamine - Possess

Ftc-terrorizing(drug Patch)

Failure To Pay Child Support >$1000

Other Arrests:
  IVAN GOODALL Arrest Mugshot Burleigh 2025-01-18 IVAN GOODALL Arrest Mugshot Burleigh 2023-04-08 Ivan Goodall Arrest Mugshot Cass 9/18/2019 Ivan Goodall Arrest Mugshot Cass 9/1/2019 IVAN GOODALL Arrest Mugshot DOC