account_boxLenray Jace Jr Twotwo

Lenray Jace Jr Twotwo Mugshot

Date:01/05/2024 17:37
Height: 5ft. 7in.
Weight: 140 lbs.
Charge(s): 1 Count Of 45-5-502(3)- Sexual Assault - (victim Less Than 16, Offender 3 Or M [felony] Bail: $0

1 Count Of 45-5-503 (1)- Sexual Intercourse Without Consent [felony] Bail: $0

Other Arrests:
  LENRAY TWOTWO Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 07/19/2024 16:48 LENRAY TWOTWO Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 07/19/2024 16:48 LENRAY TWOTWO Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 10/19/2023 02:25 LENRAY TWOTWO Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 08/29/2023 22:48 LENRAY TWOTWO Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 07/08/2022 18:02