account_boxTimothy Parker Onion

Timothy Parker Onion Mugshot

Date:07/01/2019 20:22
Height: 5ft. 10in.
Weight: 250 lbs.
Charge(s): 1 Count Of 61-5-212(1)(i)- Driving A Motor Vehicle While Privilege To Do So Is Su [misdemeanor] Bail: $285

1 Count Of 45-7-302- Obstructing A Peace Officer Or Other Public Servant [misdemeanor] Bail: $335

1 Count Of Warrant City- City Court Warrant [misdemeanor] Bail: $1000

Other Arrests:
  TIMOTHY ONION Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 03/16/2024 22:32 TIMOTHY ONION Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 10/12/2023 19:49 TIMOTHY ONION Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 07/24/2023 20:02 TIMOTHY ONION Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 09/19/2022 23:02 TIMOTHY ONION Arrest Mugshot Big Horn 07/12/2021 23:45