account_boxJabril Elias Jones

Jabril Elias Jones Mugshot

Charge(s): Assault-2nd Degree-dangerous Weapon- Fe {609.222.1}

Terroristic Threats-reckless Disregard Risk- Fe {609.713.1}

Domestic Assault-misdemeanor-intentionally Inflicts/attempts To Inflict Bodily Harm On Another- Ms {609.2242.1(2)}

Disorderly Conduct-offensive/abusive/noisy/obscene- Ms {609.72.1(3)}

Traffic-seat Belt Required, Driver And Passengers - Pm {169.686.1(a)}

Burglary-4th Deg-to Commit Misdemeanor- Gm {609.582.4}

Other Arrests:
  JABRIL JONES Arrest Mugshot Hennepin 5/23/2018 JABRIL JONES Arrest Mugshot Hennepin 6/22/2017