account_boxIshamel Portwood Middlebrook

Ishamel Portwood Middlebrook Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 2/15/1989
Charge(s): Violate No Contact Order

Violate No Contact Order - Within 10 Years Of The First Of Two Or More Convictions

Escape From Custody-held Pursuant To Lawful Arrest While On Charge Or Conviction Or Adjudication

Violate No Contact Order - Within 10 Years Of The First Of Two Or More Convictions

Domestic Assault-felony

Domestic Abuse - Violate Order For Protection

Other Arrests:
  ISHAMEL MIDDLEBROOK Arrest Mugshot Anoka 5/7/2024 ISHAMEL MIDDLEBROOK Arrest Mugshot Anoka 1/10/2024 ISHAMEL MIDDLEBROOK Arrest Mugshot Anoka 5/11/2023 ISHAMEL MIDDLEBROOK Arrest Mugshot Anoka 11/1/2020 ISHAMEL MIDDLEBROOK Arrest Mugshot Hennepin 08/27/2020