account_boxChanord Sago

Chanord  Sago Mugshot

Height: 5ft 5 in
Weight: 150 lbs
Charge(s): Sexual Misconduct With A Minor (sexual Intercourse/other Sexual Conduct) - Person At Least 21

Contributing To Delinquency Of Minor-defendant Encourages, Aids Induces Person Less Than 18 To Commit An Act That Would Be Dealing In: Cocaine/narcotic Drug, Meth, Schedule I-v Controlled Substance, Substance Represented To Be Controlled Substance, Or Cou

Other Arrests:
  CHANORD SAGO Arrest Mugshot Knox 2024-06-16 CHANORD SAGO Arrest Mugshot Knox 2024-04-22 CHANORD SAGO Arrest Mugshot Knox 2023-06-24 CHANORD SAGO Arrest Mugshot Knox 2018-06-17 CHANORD SAGO Arrest Mugshot Knox 2017-08-05