account_boxRichard Donald Johnson

Richard Donald Johnson Mugshot

Date:3/27/2023 2:31:00 AM
Height: 5ft. 5in.
Weight: 140
Charge(s): 720 Ilcs 5.0/19-2-a Possess Burglary Tools

720 Ilcs 5.0/21-1-a-1 Crim Dmg To Prop $500-10k

720 Ilcs 5.0/31-1-a Resist/pc Off/corr Emp/frftr

625 Ilcs 5.0/4-103-a-1 Receive/poss/sell Stolen Veh

720 Ilcs 5.0/21-3-a-2 Criminal Trespass To Land

Other Arrests:
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