account_boxBrian Joseph John Johnson

Brian Joseph John Johnson Mugshot

Height: 175lbs
Weight: 69in(s)
Charge(s): 00.08 - Underlying Charge - Principal - P

00.01a - Failure To Appear Misdemeanor- No New Chg Entry - Principal - P

901.36 1 - False Id Given To Leo (lev:m Deg:f 3978) - Principal - P

843.02 - Resisting Officer Without Violence (lev:m Deg:f 3143) - Principal - P

893.147 1 - Drug Paraphernalia - Possession Or Use Of (lev:m Deg:f 3768) - Principal - P

893.13 6b - Marijuana - Possess Not More Than 20 Grams (lev M: Deg F 3696) - Principal - P

Other Arrests: