account_boxBraden Antonio Emdin

Braden Antonio Emdin Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 04/30/1985
Height: 510
Weight: 160
Charge(s): 812.14-2a1 - Grand Theft First Degree

817.34-4a1 - Obtain Property Over 5 Dollars By Fraud -

817.535-2a - File False Docs Against Real/persnl Prop - 1st Off -

817.568-2a(1) - Fraud-attmpt Use Id Of Another Person W/o Consent -

948.6 - Probation Violation Or Community Control/felony - Grand Theft

948.6 - Probation Violation Or Community Control/felony - Fraud Use Personal Id, Defrauding Financial Institution, Grand Theft

948.6 - Probation Violation Or Community Control/felony - Grand Theft Motor Vehicle

893.13-6a(coc) - Possession Of Cocaine - Bso Offense# 16-238-844

322.34-5 - Drive While Lic Susp Habitual - Bso Offense# 16-238-844

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Grand Theft Auto

Vop-fel - Viol Of Prob - Fel - Fraud Use Personal Id, Defrauding Financial Institution, Grand Theft

Other Arrests:
  Braden Emdin Arrest Mugshot Broward 06/01/2022 Braden Emdin Arrest Mugshot Broward 03/28/2022 Braden Emdin Arrest Mugshot Broward 02/04/2022 Braden Emdin Arrest Mugshot Orange 11/02/2014