account_boxJerry Leon Wells

Jerry Leon Wells Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 04/04/1987
Height: 508
Weight: 135
Charge(s): 812.13-2b - Robbery/with Weapon -

784.21-1a - Agg Assaultw/ Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill -

784.21-1a - Agg Assaultw/ Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill -

812.14-2e - Petit Theft 1st Deg Prop $1 To

Other Arrests:
  Jerry Wells Arrest Mugshot Broward 04/16/2024 Jerry Wells Arrest Mugshot Broward 03/06/2020 Jerry Wells Arrest Mugshot Broward 01/25/2018 Jerry Wells Arrest Mugshot Broward 11/05/2015