account_boxApril Leedie Byrd

April Leedie Byrd Mugshot

Height: 503
Weight: 163
Charge(s): Statute: 600.107(b) Description: Information - Giving False Information To Police

Statute: 810.08(2)(a) Description: Trespass In Structure Or Conveyance (unoccupied)

Statute: 843.02 Description: Resisting Officer Without Violence To His Or Her Person

Statute: 810.08(2)(a) Description: Trespass In Structure Or Conveyance (unoccupied)

Statute: 843.02 Description: Resisting Officer Without Violence To His Or Her Person

Other Arrests:
  April Byrd Arrest Mugshot Duval 10/27/2021 April Byrd Arrest Mugshot Jacksonville 10/25/2017 April Byrd Arrest Mugshot Duval 10/25/2017 April Byrd Arrest Mugshot Duval 02/21/2017 April Byrd Arrest Mugshot Duval 11/21/2016