account_boxLisa Carole Glass

Lisa Carole Glass Mugshot

Height: 509
Weight: 165
Charge(s): Statute: 901.04 Description: Out Of County Warrant - Felony

Statute: 320.261 Description: Attaching License Plate Or Validation Sticker Not Assigned

Statute: 322.34(2)(a) Description: Knowingly Operating While Dl Suspended/cancelled/revoked (1st Conviction)

Statute: 893.147(1) Description: Use, Or Possess With Intent To Use, Drug Paraphernalia

Statute: 796.07(2)(e) Description: Offer, Commit Or Engage In Prostitution Or Assignation - 1st Offense

Other Arrests:
  Lisa Glass Arrest Mugshot Duval 08/30/2018 Lisa Glass Arrest Mugshot Nassau 10/13/2015 1:33 PM