account_boxJohnny Baca

Johnny  Baca Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 12/04/1963
Charge(s): 42416021 - Failed To Give Information And

4221381a - Driving Under Restraint/susp/r

42413011a - Driving Under The Influence

4231211b - Disp/poss/off Sale (fict/canc/

42414091 - Owner Operated An Uninsured Mo

Other Arrests:
  Johnny Baca Arrest Mugshot Weld 03/24/23 Johnny Baca Arrest Mugshot Weld 09/24/22 Johnny Baca Arrest Mugshot Weld 05/10/22 Johnny Baca Arrest Mugshot Weld 11/30/21 Johnny Baca Arrest Mugshot Weld 11/05/21