account_boxThomas Anthony Mello

Thomas Anthony Mello Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1/23/1970
Height: 170lbs
Charge(s): Use Infl Of Contrl Subs

Drv While Lic Susprev For Dui:s

Hit And Run Resulting In Deathinj

Dui Alcdrgs Causing Bod Inj

Bench Warrant Arrest-m

Other Arrests:
  Thomas Mello Arrest Mugshot Lake County 7/4/2011 Thomas Mello Arrest Mugshot Lake County 2/3/2011 Thomas Mello Arrest Mugshot Lake County 12/6/2010 Thomas Mello Arrest Mugshot Lake County 1/18/2007 Thomas Mello Arrest Mugshot Lake County 10/22/2004