account_boxKelvin Jay Hall

Kelvin Jay Hall Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 8/12/1965
Height: 5ft.10
Weight: 215
Charge(s): (001) Count Of

(001) Count Of Shoplifting

(001) Count Of Failure To Pay Fine, Fees

(1) Count Of Failure To Pay Fine, Fees

(1) Count Of

(1) Count Of Shoplifting

Other Arrests:
  Kelvin Hall Arrest Mugshot Maricopa 09/02/2021 Kelvin Hall Arrest Mugshot Maricopa 09/18/2020 KELVIN HALL Arrest Mugshot Maricopa 09/23/2014 KELVIN HALL Arrest Mugshot Maricopa 11/22/2013 KELVIN HALL Arrest Mugshot Maricopa 06/07/2013