account_boxCharles Anthony Farmer-mclain

Charles Anthony Farmer-mclain Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 01/14/1999
Charge(s): Traffic - Operator's License License Revoked - No Insurance - Drive While (subsequent)

Traffic - Operator's License License Revoked - No Insurance - Drive While (subsequent)

Obstruction Of Justice Resisting Arrest, Obstructing Justice Without Threats Or Force

Obstruction Of Justice Prevent Law Enforcement Officer From Making Arrest

Other Arrests:
  CHARLES FARMER-MCLAIN Arrest Mugshot RSW 2024-04-21 CHARLES FARMER-MCLAIN Arrest Mugshot RSW 2023-07-29 CHARLES FARMER-MCLAIN Arrest Mugshot RSW 2022-07-03 CHARLES FARMER-MCLAIN Arrest Mugshot RSW 2021-06-17