account_boxEduardo Flores-loeza

Eduardo  Flores-loeza Mugshot

Height: 510
Weight: 222
Charge(s): Possession Of A Dngr Weap By Restricted

Poss W/ Intent To Dist C/substance

Unlaw Poss/purch/trans Dangerous Weapon

Use Or Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia


Theft/deception - Value $500-$1499

Purch Trans Possess Use Of A Firearm By Restricted Person

Distribute/offer/arrange Distribution Of Controlled Substanc

Theft - Value $500-$1499

Federal Detainees - Interstate Agreement

Aggravated Burglary

Aggravated Assault

Other Arrests:
  EDUARDO FLORES-LOEZA Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 09/22/2022 EDUARDO FLORES-LOEZA Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 09/19/2022 EDUARDO FLORES-LOEZA Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 01/15/2022 EDUARDO FLORES-LOEZA Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 09/29/2020 EDUARDO FLORES-LOEZA Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 01/07/2020