account_boxAaron Scot Campbell

Aaron Scot Campbell Mugshot

Height: 600
Weight: 140
Charge(s): Retail Theft (shoplifting)

Use Or Possession Of Drug Paraphernalia

Possession Of A Dngr Weap By Restricted

Unlaw Poss-purch-trans Dangerous Weapon

Possession Or Use Of A Controlled Substance

Other Arrests:
  AARON CAMPBELL Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 09/19/2023 AARON CAMPBELL Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 09/14/2023 AARON CAMPBELL Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 11/22/2020 AARON CAMPBELL Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 08/14/2020 AARON CAMPBELL Arrest Mugshot Salt Lake City 11/08/2019