account_boxRodney Chase Anderson

Rodney Chase Anderson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1990
Charge(s): 58-37-8(2)(h)(iii) Controlled Substance (marijuan

58-37a-5(1) Use Or Possession Of Drug Para

58-37a-5(1) Use Or Possession Of Drug Para

58-37-8(2)(b)(ii) Possession Of A Controlled Sub

76-8-305.5 Fail To Stop At Command Of Law

41-12a-302 Operating Vehicle Without Insu

41-6a-502.5 Impaired Driving

41-1a-1314 Joyriding/ Unauth Control For

41-12a-302 Operating Vehicle Without Insu

41-6a-528 Reckless Driving

Other Arrests:
  Rodney Anderson Arrest Mugshot Utah 12/28/2017 Rodney Anderson Arrest Mugshot Utah 9/20/2017 Rodney Anderson Arrest Mugshot Utah 6/9/2017 Rodney Anderson Arrest Mugshot Utah 1/25/2017 Rodney Anderson Arrest Mugshot Utah 07/31/2015