account_boxJustin Jerry Briggs

Justin Jerry Briggs Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1992
Charge(s): 76-8-309 Attempted Escape

58-37-8(1)(a)(i) Poss Of Dabs Thc Dfz

58-37a-5(1) Poss Of Drug Paraphernalia Dfz

58-37-8(1)(a)(i) Poss Marijuana W/intent To Dis

58-37-8(1)(a)(i) Poss Methamphetamine W/ Intent

Other Arrests:
  Justin Briggs Arrest Mugshot Utah 6/1/2018 Justin Briggs Arrest Mugshot Utah 11/25/2017 Justin Briggs Arrest Mugshot Utah 8/30/2017 Justin Briggs Arrest Mugshot Utah 12/21/2016 Justin Briggs Arrest Mugshot Utah 05/03/2016