account_boxElvin Earl Williams

Elvin Earl Williams Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 07-Nov-88
Charge(s): Aggravated Assault - Domestic

Violation Of Protective Order - Conditions Of Release

Violation Of Protective Order - Conditions Of Release

Driving While License Suspended

Aggravated Assault - Domestic

12 Hr Hold Ends 09/18/2024 @2151hrs

Other Arrests:
  Elvin Williams Arrest Mugshot Knox 26-Sep-24 Elvin Williams Arrest Mugshot Knox 26-AUG-00 Elvin Williams Arrest Mugshot Knox 26-AUG-20 Elvin Williams Arrest Mugshot Knox 28-MAR-20 ELVIN WILLIAMS Arrest Mugshot Nashville 08/16/2017