account_boxDavid Otwari Oromo

David Otwari Oromo Mugshot

Charge(s): State Charges: 36-11a-5 - Illegal Possesion Of Prescription Drug

State Charges: 24-11-47(f4) - Unauthorized Articles In Jail Drugs

State Charges: 22-42a-3 - Possession Or Use Drug Paraphernalia

State Charges: 22-40-1 - False Impersonation To Deceive Law Enforcement

Warrant: Felony Bench Warrant Warrant 49cri21-003263 - 1 (22-42-5 (f5) - Possession Controlled Drug Or Substance (schedule I Or Ii))

Warrant: Felony Bench Warrant Warrant 49cri21-003013 - 2 (22-42-5 (f5) - Possession Controlled Drug Or Substance (schedule I Or Ii))

Warrant: Bench Circuit Felony Warrant 49cri199594 (22-42-5 (f5) - Possession Controlled Drug Or Substance (schedule I Or Ii))

State Charges: 22-42-5 - Possession Controlled Drug Or Substance

Other Arrests: