account_boxAntione Dyleek Johnson

Antione Dyleek Johnson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 03/03/2001
Charge(s): Mdp,narcotic Drugs In Sch I(b)&(c), Lsd,and Sch Ii (cocaine) - 1st Offense

Pwid/dist.etc. Ice, Crank, Crackcocaine - 1st Offense (prior To 6/7/05)

Mdp, Narcotic Drugs In Sch. I(b) & (c),lsd, And Sched. Ii (cocaine)- 1st Off.

Manf., Dist.etc. Ice, Crank, Or Crackcocaine, 1st Off. (prior 6/7/05)

Other Arrests:
  Antione Johnson Arrest Mugshot Horry 02/10/2022