account_boxAllen Carson Thompson

Allen Carson Thompson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 03/16/1960
Charge(s): Burglary / Burglary (violent) (after 06/20/85) - Second Degree

Malicious / Malicious Injury To Tree, House; Trespass Upon Real Property, Injury Value $2,000 Or Less

Larceny / Petit Or Simple Larceny - $2,000 Or Less

Burglary / Burglary (violent) (after 06/20/85) - Second Degree

Burglary / Burglary (violent) (after 06/20/85) - Second Degree

Burglary / Burglary (violent) (after 06/20/85) - Second Degree

Malicious / Malicious Injury To Tree, House; Trespass Upon Real Property, Injury Value $2,000 Or Less

Malicious / Malicious Injury To Tree, House; Trespass Upon Real Property, Injury Value $2,000 Or Less

Malicious / Malicious Injury To Tree, House; Trespass Upon Real Property, Injury Value $2,000 Or Less

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