account_boxDaniel Lamar Swinton

Daniel Lamar Swinton Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 9/22/1979
Height: 6 1
Weight: 190 lb
Charge(s): Fail To Comply With Nrvc

Fail To Comply With Nrvc

Congr Unlaw Purpose

No Vehicle License Exp/none

Unsafe Equipment

Careless Driving

Other Arrests:
  Daniel Swinton Arrest Mugshot Charleston 3/16/2023 Daniel Swinton Arrest Mugshot Charleston 9/15/2021 Daniel Swinton Arrest Mugshot Charleston 5/22/2018 Daniel Swinton Arrest Mugshot Charleston 3/17/2015 Daniel Swinton Arrest Mugshot Charleston 10/22/2014