account_boxCorey Devonte Simmons

Corey Devonte Simmons Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 11/11/1993
Height: 5 10
Weight: 168 lb
Charge(s): Assault On Police Officer (mag)

Loud Noises

Assault On Police Officer (mag)

False Info To Police

Simple Poss Of Marijuana

Other Arrests:
  Corey Simmons Arrest Mugshot Charleston 11/14/2022 Corey Simmons Arrest Mugshot Berkeley 05/28/2019 Corey Simmons Arrest Mugshot Charleston 12/12/2014 Corey Simmons Arrest Mugshot Charleston 11/5/2014 Corey Simmons Arrest Mugshot Charleston 9/29/2013