account_boxRichard Bellora

Richard  Bellora Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 3/2/1968
Charge(s): Criminal Conspiracy Engaging

Use/poss Of Drug Paraph

Consp To Vio 911b1, 911b2, 911b3

Corrupt Organizations Employee

Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg

Manuf/del/poss/w Int Manuf Or Del

Fail To Keep Right

Oper Veh W/o Req D Financ Resp

Regist Card Not Signed

Drg Lic Sus/rev Purs To Sec 3731/1547b1

Disregard Traffic Lane(single)

Dui: High Rte Of Alc(bac .10 .16) 1st Offense

Other Arrests: