account_boxMathew Loring Murray

Mathew Loring Murray Mugshot

Date:07/26/2021 15:44
Height: 5ft. 7in.
Weight: 170 lbs.
Charge(s): 1 Count Of 144.350- Parole/lsa Violation [felony] Bail: $0

1 Count Of 811.140- Reckless Driving [misdemeanor] Bail: $5000

1 Count Of 811.540- Attempt To Elude/flee Bail: $10000

1 Count Of 811.182- Dws/r Misdemeanor [misdemeanor] Bail: $5000

1 Count Of 475.894/f- Unlawful Possession Meth - Fel [felony] Bail: $10000

1 Count Of 475.890- Unlawful Delivery Meth [felony] Bail: $50000

Other Arrests:
  MATHEW MURRAY Arrest Mugshot Umatilla 01/24/2023 15:10 MATHEW MURRAY Arrest Mugshot Umatilla 01/10/2023 14:20 MATHEW MURRAY Arrest Mugshot Umatilla 12/27/2022 00:24 MATHEW MURRAY Arrest Mugshot Umatilla 09/09/2022 13:46 MATHEW MURRAY Arrest Mugshot Umatilla 03/14/2022 16:36