account_boxScott Gregory Coleman

Scott Gregory Coleman Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 6/3/78
Height: 5.0 ft 8 in
Weight: 140 lbs
Charge(s): Ors.166.065-1 - Failure To Appear Harassment

Ors.163.465-2 - Failure To Appear Public Indecency

Ors.164.043-1 - Failure To Appear Theft Iii

Other Arrests:
  Scott Coleman Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 08/19/2023 Scott Coleman Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 10/18/2022 Scott Coleman Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 05/11/2022 Scott Coleman Arrest Mugshot Washington Scott Coleman Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 04/21/2022