account_boxEric Tyrone Goodson

Eric Tyrone Goodson Mugshot

AGE/DOB: Oct 28, 1980
Height: 250
Weight: 601
Charge(s): 0811.540 Att Elude/veh / Att Elude Police Ofc-vehicle - 2~veh

0811.540 Att Elude/foot / Att Elude Police Ofc-vehicle - 1~foo

0811.140 Reck Dr / Reckless Driving

0163.195 Endanger / Recklessly Endangering

0163.195 Endanger / Recklessly Endangering

0807.570 Ft Disp Op Lic / Failure To Carry Or Present License

0475.894 Pcs/meth / Unl Possess Methamphetamine - 1

0166.270 Felon Poss Wpn / Felon In Possession Of Weapon - 2

0162.247 Interfere W/po / Interfere W/peace Officer

0164.055 Theft 1 / Theft 1st Deg - 1

0164.055 Theft 1 / Theft 1st Deg - 1

Other Arrests:
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