account_boxDaniel Collin Horton

Daniel Collin Horton Mugshot

AGE/DOB: Feb 16, 1981
Height: 175
Weight: 511
Charge(s): Ocw / Ocw - Fta Pcs/he

0162.195 Fp Theft 1 / Fail To Appear 2nd Deg - 1~pv Theft

0162.195 Fp Theft 1 / Fail To Appear 2nd Deg - 1~pv Theft

0164.045 Theft 2 / Theft 2nd Deg - 1

0162.385 False/info/crim / False Info-police Ofc-crim Off

0162.247 Interfere W/po / Interfere W/peace Officer

Other Arrests:
  Daniel Horton Arrest Mugshot Jackson 05/03/2017 Daniel Horton Arrest Mugshot Jackson 04/18/2017 Daniel Horton Arrest Mugshot Jackson 03/09/2017 Daniel Horton Arrest Mugshot Jackson 03/07/2016