account_boxKelly Faye Griffin

Kelly Faye Griffin Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 12-08-1984
Height: 5 ft 8 in
Weight: 130 lbs
Charge(s): Ors.475.894 - Failure To Appear Pcs-meth

Ors.162.195 - Fail To Appear Ii

Ors.164.045 - Failure To Appear Theft Ii

Ors.000.002 - Hold

Other Arrests:
  Kelly Griffin Arrest Mugshot Washington Kelly Griffin Arrest Mugshot DOC 06/29/2017 Kelly Griffin Arrest Mugshot Yamhill 04/25/2017 KELLY GRIFFIN Arrest Mugshot Washington 2017-04-03 KELLY GRIFFIN Arrest Mugshot Washington 2016-12-28