account_boxMatthew Travis Grigsby

Matthew Travis Grigsby Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 03-15-1990
Height: 6 ft 0 in
Weight: 180 lbs
Charge(s): Ors.164.255 - Failure To Appear Crim Trespass I

Ors.181.599 - Fail To Register As Sex Offender

Ors.162.385 - False Info To Police

Ors.164.125 - Theft Of Service(historical Use)

Ors.144.350 - Parole Violation

Other Arrests:
  Matthew Grigsby Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 02/28/2022 Matthew Grigsby Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 05/29/2019 Matthew Grigsby Arrest Mugshot Clackamas 08-23-2016 Matthew Grigsby Arrest Mugshot Clackamas 06-25-2016