account_boxEdward Wesley Powell

Edward Wesley Powell Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 10-23-1975
Height: 5 ft 6 in
Weight: 130 lbs
Charge(s): Ors.164.272 - Failure To Appear Unlaw Entry Into Motor Veh

Ors.164.043 - Failure To Appear Theft Iii

Ors.164.245 - Failure To Appear Crim Trespass Ii

Ors.033.045 - Contempt Of Court

Other Arrests:
  Edward Powell Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 08/18/2015 Edward Powell Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 05/17/2015 Edward Powell Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 03/13/2015 Edward Powell Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 12/01/2014 Edward Powell Arrest Mugshot Clackamas 2014-11-29