account_boxKyle Grant Cotton

Kyle Grant Cotton Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 1978-01-01
Height: 5ft. 07in.
Weight: 160
Charge(s): 163.190 Misd-domestic / Menacing - 2

166.220 Unlaw Use Weapon / Unlawful Use Of Weapon

163.275 / Coercion

161.405 Kidnap I / Attempt To Commit Crime - 2

163.187 Dom Strangltn / Strangulation - 1

163.187 Dom Strangltn / Strangulation - 1

166.065 Domestic Intimate / Harassment - 4

Other Arrests:
  Kyle Cotton Arrest Mugshot Washington Kyle Cotton Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 12/20/2020 Kyle Cotton Arrest Mugshot Washington Kyle Cotton Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 02/22/2020 Kyle Cotton Arrest Mugshot Washington