account_boxTracey Glen Gray

Tracey Glen Gray Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 11-19-1980
Height: 6 ft 2 in
Weight: 180 lbs
Charge(s): Ors.163.160 - Probation Violation Assault Iv

Ors.162.315 - Probation Violation Resisting Arrest

Ors.475.894 - Failure To Appear Pcs-meth

Ors.164.043 - Failure To Appear Theft Iii

Ors.164.255 - Failure To Appear Crim Trespass I

Ors.164.043 - Probation Violation Theft Iii

Ors.475.854 - Probation Violation Pcs-heroin

Other Arrests:
  Tracey Gray Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 02/26/2021 Tracey Gray Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 11/02/2020 Tracey Gray Arrest Mugshot Multnomah 06/03/2020 Tracey Gray Arrest Mugshot Clackamas 6/22/19 Tracey Gray Arrest Mugshot Clackamas 5/28/19