71"> 71. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."> 71 Arrest"> 71. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."> 71. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."> 71 Arrest">

   account_boxJacob Nate Andersen

Jacob Nate Andersen Mugshot

Date: 71
AGE/DOB: 07/24/1989
Height: 6ft.2in.
Weight: 145
Charge(s): Rape 2nd Deg Cm1220041

Sexual Abuse 1st Deg Cm1220041

Post Prison Supervison Violation -theft I Cm1

Other Arrests:
  JACOB ANDERSEN Arrest Mugshot Benton 1/10/2019 JACOB ANDERSEN Arrest Mugshot Benton 9/26/2018 Jacob Andersen Arrest Mugshot NORCOR 06/28/2018 JACOB ANDERSEN Arrest Mugshot Benton 6/27/2018 Jacob Andersen Arrest Mugshot DOC 06/06/2012