46"> 46. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."> 46 Arrest"> 46. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."> 46. All people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law."> 46 Arrest">

   account_boxMarcus Leland Potter

Marcus Leland Potter Mugshot

Date: 46
AGE/DOB: 06/05/1981
Height: 5ft.8in.
Weight: 170
Charge(s): Crim Mischief I Cm1121296

Att Misch Ii Cm1121296

Criminal Mischief 2nd Deg 11c04410

Criminal Mischief 1st Deg Cm1121296

Other Arrests:
  MARCUS POTTER Arrest Mugshot Marion 06/30/2018 Marcus Potter Arrest Mugshot Benton 
									<td class=71" onError="this.onerror=null;this.src='https://arre.st/Jails/ORJails.info/images2/Marcus-Potter-2011090158.jpg/';" loading="lazy"> Marcus Potter Arrest Mugshot Lincoln 10/04/2011 Marcus Potter Arrest Mugshot Benton 09/27/2011