account_boxOmar Rashad Smith

Omar Rashad Smith Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 8/14/1979
Height: 6 00
Weight: 150
Charge(s): 11/05/2020 Breaking And Or Entering (f)

11/05/2020 Larceny After Break/enter

11/05/2020 Resisting Public Officer

11/05/2020 Felony Possession Of Cocaine

11/05/2020 Fictitious Information To Officer

11/05/2020 Vehicle Not Registered/titled

11/05/2020 Operate Motor Vehicle W/o Fin Resp

11/05/2020 No Operator's License

11/05/2020 Resisting Public Officer

11/05/2020 Possess Marijuana Up To 1/2 Oz

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