account_boxJustin Rayford Stephens

Justin Rayford Stephens Mugshot

Height: 5ft.10in.
Weight: 170 lbs.
Charge(s): Injury To Real Property

Injury To Real Property

Injury To Personal Property

Injury To Personal Property

Breaking And Or Entering

Breaking And Or Entering

Possession Of Stolen Goods

Larceny After Break/enter

Possess Marij Paraphernalia

Misdemean Poss Schedule Vi Cs

Other Arrests:
  Justin Stephens Arrest Mugshot Randolph 07/11/23 Justin Stephens Arrest Mugshot Randolph 07/28/20 Justin Stephens Arrest Mugshot Randolph 01/28/20 Justin Stephens Arrest Mugshot Randolph 12/16/19