account_boxKevin Montez Malone

Kevin Montez Malone Mugshot

Charge(s): Traffic-dl-driving After Cancellation-inimical To Public Safety- Gm {171.24.5}

Traffic-dui-operate Motor Vehicle Under Influence Of Alcohol- Gm {169a.20.1(1)}

Traffic-dui-second-degree Driving While Impaired-refuse To Submit To Chemical Test- Gm {169a.25.1(b)}

Carrying Pistol While Under Influence Of Alcohol- Ms {624.7142.1(4)}

Traffic Regulation - Failure To Drive In Single Lane - Ms {169.18.7(1)}

Traffic-regulations-signal To Turn- Ms {169.19.5}

Traffic Regulation-driver Who Is Not Owner Must Later Produce Proof Of Insurance If Required- Ms {169.791.3}

Other Arrests:
  KEVIN MALONE Arrest Mugshot Anoka 8/5/2024 KEVIN MALONE Arrest Mugshot Anoka 7/20/2023 KEVIN MALONE Arrest Mugshot Anoka 4/11/2023 KEVIN MALONE Arrest Mugshot Hennepin 6/18/2013