account_boxChasity Lee Davis

Chasity Lee Davis Mugshot

Height: in
Weight: 0 lbs
Charge(s): Possession Of Paraphernalia - 1st Offense But Requires Mens Rea Element Of Reckless Or Higher

Writ Of Attachment

Writ Of Attachment

Driving While Suspended - Requires A Knowing Violation And A Prior Conviction Of Sec. 1 Of This Chapter Within The Past 10 Years

Other Arrests:
  CHASITY DAVIS     Arrest Mugshot Knox 2018-10-29 CHASITY DAVIS     Arrest Mugshot Knox 2017-11-30 CHASITY DAVIS     Arrest Mugshot Knox 2017-07-24 CHASITY DAVIS     Arrest Mugshot Knox 2017-02-15