account_boxErin Michelle Smith

Erin Michelle Smith Mugshot

AGE/DOB: 06/26/1985
Charge(s): 16-8-2 - Theft By Taking - F

27-3-40 - Hunting Without Required Clothing - M

27-1-31(a) - Unlawful Possession Of Wildlife - M

27-2-5 - Required Hunter Education Courses - M

27-3-2 - Hunting At Night Without Light - M

27-3-1 - No Permission To Hunt On Land Of Anothe - M

27-3-9 (a) - Baiting A Hunting Area - M

27-3-9 (a) - Baiting A Hunting Area -

27-3-48 - Hunting Deer At Night - M

16-7-20 - Poss Tools For Commission Of Crime - F

16-10-20 - False Statments

27-3-1 - No Permission To Hunt On Land Of Anothe - F

Other Arrests: